2011年6月13日「モバイル英語学習」第97号(エッセイ): Copy Cat

academia: 学究的な世界;
be thrown out of a course :授業に落第する,不合格になる;
exclude …を追放する;
offender : 犯罪者,違反者;
rename: …に新しい名前を付ける;
Plagiarism is a major problem in academia and there are many computer programmes available to teachers to check students’ work. Anyone caught plagiarising can be thrown out of a course and excluded from a university. One of the most recent famous offenders has been the German Defence Minister – Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg – who was found to have copied a large part of his Doctoral Thesis from the Internet. He has now been renamed “Baron zu Googleberg” – the minister for cut and paste. (by Prof. Simon Smith)