2015年12月3日「モバイル英語学習」第 332号(エッセイ): At the Circus

clown  ピエロ;
acrobat  曲芸師;
globe  球;
flying trapeze  空中ブランコ

Have you ever been to a circus? I went to one on Sunday for the first time since I was a child, and I really enjoyed it. Of course there were clowns, jugglers and acrobats. There were so many acts that I can’t remember all of them. It was incredible to watch three men riding motorcycles inside a big metal globe. I was impressed by the lion tamer who went inside a big cage alone with eight lions and made them jump over each other. The last act was the most exciting: the flying trapeze. The show was great from beginning to end.   (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)