2018年4月26日「モバイル英語学習」第449号(英語のなぞなぞ): Dangerous Animal Quiz

scorpion サソリ;
alligator ワニ;
viper クサリヘビ;
hornet スズメバチ;
hippopotamus カバ;
What is the most dangerous animal? That depends on the country. New Zealand has hardly any dangerous animals. Australia, on the other hand, has dangerous snakes, spiders, crocodiles, sharks, and even octopuses. My first question is:
1. Which animal kills the most people in North America?
a. the scorpion b. the deer c. the alligator

2. Which animal kills the most people in Japan?
a. the viper b. the bear c. the giant hornet

3. Which animal kills the most people in Africa?
a. the lion b. the hyena c. the hippopotamus