2024年10月19日「モバイル英語学習」第848号 (美文麗句鑑賞): The autumn days were mild and pleasant, and the countryside was ablaze with color


howled -うなり声を上げる、風が激しく吹く;
torn – tear の過去分詞。引き裂かれた、破れた;
moor -荒地、湿地
desolate and barren- 荒涼として不毛な、寂れた
curlew -ダイシャクシギ(鳥の一種)
ablaze -輝いている、燃えるような
hobbit -ホビット(J.R.R.トールキンの『指輪物語』に登場する架空の小人種)
1. From Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë:
“The autumn wind howled through the trees, and the leaves were torn from their branches. The moors were desolate and barren, and the only sound was the mournful cry of the curlew.”

2. From Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen:
“The autumn days were mild and pleasant, and the countryside was ablaze with color. The girls were busy with their needlework, and the sound of their laughter filled the house.”

3. From The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien:
“The autumn leaves were falling, and the forest was filled with a sense of peace. The hobbits were gathered around the fire, telling stories and singing songs.”

2024年10月12日「モバイル英語学習」第847号 (1分間英会話): Talk about weekend


1. How was your weekend? 週末はどうだった?
2. That sounds fun. 楽しそうだね。
3. Did you go anywhere cool? どこか面白いところに行った?
4. Let’s go together sometime.
5. Any plans this week? 今週の予定は?

Yuri: Hey, Hanako! How was your weekend?
Hanako: Pretty good. I just relaxed at home, read, and watched movies.
Yuri: Nice! I was going to hike, but the weather was bad, so I hung out with friends.
Hanako: That sounds fun. Did you go anywhere cool?
Yuri: Yeah, we went to a new cafe downtown. Great coffee!
Hanako: I love cafes! Let’s go together sometime.
Yuri: Sure! What did you do for dinner on Saturday?
Hanako: Ordered takeout and watched a movie with my roommate.
Yuri: I went for sushi. Tried tuna belly—so good!
Hanako: I’ll try that next time.
Yuri: You should! Any plans this week?
Hanako: Maybe the gym and project work.
Yuri: I’m thinking of a concert on Friday. Let me know if you’re interested!