2020年7月6日「モバイル英語学習」第661号 (英語学習法): How to Keep Your Focus Strong

constantly 絶えず;
sensory memory 感覚記憶;
Guinness Book of World Records ギネスブック;

Your brain is constantly taking in information through your senses. The information enters your sensory memory, which can hold lots of information, but only for a few seconds. If you ignore the information, your brain throws it away. If you pay attention to the information, it goes into your short-term memory. This is why learning to pay attention is an important first step. To help the brain focus, Dave Farrow, a Canadian recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records for Greatest Memory recommends breaking big tasks down into smaller tasks. He sets a timer and works as hard as he can for short periods of time until the timer goes off. Then he takes a small break. This keeps his focus strong. (by Shantel Ivits)