2009年11月23日「モバイル英語学習」第1号 (エッセイ): Is It Extremely Dangerous Or Just A Little Bit of Worry?

a tad  [くだけた言い方] 少し(= a little, slightly );
nippy  [くだけた言い方](とても)寒い

Have you ever thought about the Japanese language? People often say samui, tukareta, abunai, and muzukashii. In English, of course, we also say It’s cold, I’m tired, and This is difficult. But, we often use more comparative words. It’s chilly. It’s a little cold. It’s a tad nippy. It’s freezing. It’s so cold I’m going to die! You get the idea.

Why do you think the English language has, what would seem to be, more variety? Is it because more people use it? Or because we don’t like to exaggerate, to say something more strongly than is true? Or could it be because we like to talk more, so we use more words to say the same kind of idea? Think about it. Maybe a student from another country will ask you one day, and then you’ll have an answer.(by Prof. Carmella Lieske)