comprehensible: 理解出来る、分かりやすい;
article: 冠詞;
declension 語形変化
inflect 語形変化する;
adjective 形容詞;
Holy cow! なんてこった!(驚きを表す表現);
Every student must take a second foreign language class in the first year at Shimane University. German, French, Chinese, and Korean are optional courses. Which language did you choose to study? I chose German because I would like to visit Germany in the future. I enjoyed studying German: the teachers are good, and the textbook is comprehensible; however, there are too many grammar rules to remember. For example, German has complicated article declensions (English has only two types of article; “a” and “the”). Also, adjectives inflect according to article declension. In other words it is a very complicated language! Thus, I had a lot of difficulty studying it. By the way, surprisingly, I heard that Russian has an even more complicated declension system. Holy cow! (written by student Mr. Harada, edited by Prof. Simon Smith)