2020年5月15日「モバイル英語学習」第654 号 (英語の豆知識): “Tele” + work, etc.

telescope 望遠鏡

You may have heard the word “telework” recently. “Tele” comes from Greek and means “far.” These days more and more people are working at home, far from their office, so they are doing telework. You probably know a few other words that begin with “tele.” When “tele” is put together with “phone”, the Greek word for “sound,” it means a device that lets you send and hear sound far away. When “tele” is put together with “vision”, the Latin word for “see”, it means a device that shows you images far away. A telescope is a device that lets you watch things far away such as the Moon. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)