2021年7月22日「モバイル英語学習」第704号 (英語ストーリー): The Camel’s Nose

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One cold night an Arab sat in his tent and his camel asked if he might put his nose inside the tent to keep it warm. “Yes,” said the kind heart-hearted man. Soon the camel said, “Please let me put my neck inside,” which his master permitted. “It will take no more room if I put two front feet inside too, will it?” pleaded the camel. The man moved a little to allow that. May I please put my hump in too?” begged the camel. Then as soon as his hump was in, the camel walked in all together. The Arab began to complain, but the camel said if you do not like this small space you can go outside yourself.” Then he gave the Arab a push that landed him right out of his tent and stayed inside all by himself. That was the Arab’s reward for allowing the camel to put his nose inside the tent. (from “The World Stories Retold)