2011年12月13日「モバイル英語学習]第124号(エッセイ): Google Nation

Notes :
controversy 論争;
at a time 一度に,続けざまに;
Most people have heard of Google’s map street view and its unique service which lets users look down almost any road in the world. Despite the controversy of Google invading people’s privacy they are now they are moving indoors. But this time they insist that they will be operating on an invite only basis. The company said it was beginning the process by inviting the most searched types of businesses to request a visit by its photographers. These included restaurants, hotels, shops, gyms and vehicle repair workshops. The photoshoots will produce 360-degree images wide-angle lenses. Business owners are also invited to upload their own pictures. The news comes at a time when they also announced that from the 1 January 2012, Google will charge for the Google Maps API service. (by Prof. Simon Smith)