2011年5月30日「モバイル英語学習」第93号(エッセイ): Newspapers

take… for granted:(…ということを)もちろんのことと思う;
take away:〈物・人〉を〔…から〕持ち去る,奪う;
so-called: いわゆる,世間でいう;
relief: 救済,救援;
Newspapers are something that most people take for granted. These days they are available on-line or if you are lucky, to your door. But In a town called Ishinomaki in Miyagi Prefecture the tsunami and earthquake led to a power shortage that took newspapers away from residents for several days.
Despite this, local reporters used flashlights and marker pens to write their stories on poster-size paper and posted the so-called “newspapers” at the entrances of relief centres around the city. These will be featured in a future exhibit in the Time Warner World News Gallery. (by Prof. Simon Smith)