2015年 12月11 日「モバイル英語学習」第 340 号( エッセイ ): Father’s Day

emperor penguin コウテイペンギン;
lay an egg 卵を産む;
hatch (ひなが)かえる;
brave 勇敢な
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On the evening of Father’s Day in 2014, there was a TV special on the greatest fathers in the world. The emperor penguins probably have the hardest job: when the female lays the egg, she leaves the male to look after it. The male has to spend two months without eating, just keeping the egg warm until the baby hatches. The African bull frog is probably the bravest father: he fights with snakes and even cows if they get near his eggs. The gorilla is probably the gentlest father. He takes care of several females and all their babies, even ones that are handicapped. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)