2009年12月25日「モバイル英語学習」第14号(エッセイ):A New World ? Or Not?

interrelated 相互に関係[関連]のある;
bailout (財政的)緊急援助[措 置];
foreclosure 抵当権の請け戻し権喪失[質流れ];
budget deficit 財政赤字;
the Troubled Asset Relief Program 不良財産救済計画;
recession 不景気;
rear one’s head 頭をもたげる[頭角を現す]

TOEIC, and the world, are all about business, and especially in the past 16 months, it has become even more obvious how interrelated the world’s economies really are. More than ever before, we’ve heard and read about bailouts, funds, billions and trillions of dollars, foreclosures, federal budget deficits, unemployment and the unemployment rate, and the Treasury Department. In addition, new words and programs have been created, like the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP). Before the credit crisis, which turned into a recession, some people said, “It’s a whole new world. The old-world economics don’t apply anymore.” But then “reality” reared its ugly head. One might ask, “Has anything really changed?”  (by Prof. Carmella Lieske)