2015年2月1日「モバイル英語学習」第 281号(エッセイ): A Special Present for Your Ex

cockroach ゴキブリ;
Madagascar マダガスカル,《アフリカ南東海岸沖の島で共和国;
scorpion 【動】 サソリ;

Valentine’s Day is coming up in about two weeks. In the U.S., people usually think of it as a day to give a present to someone you love. But how do you feel when your boyfriend or girlfriend says goodbye to you? Many people feel unhappy and angry. If you want to tell them how you feel, the San Francisco Zoo has the perfect present. The zoo has many animals, but it also has special cockroaches from Madagascar and giant hairy scorpions. You can give your ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend a plastic cockroach or a scorpion in a beautiful red box. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)