2022年12月2日「モバイル英語学習」第762号 (英語エッセイ): A Stylish E-Bike

stylish おしゃれな;

On Sunday, a friend showed me his new e-bike. It was cool! It was small, and it had a battery inside the frame, not on the outside. The bicycle folded up so that it was easy to take on a trip. According to the company website, you can go up to 80 kilometers on the battery, so you don’t have to worry about the battery dying on your way back home from work. Electric bicycles have been around for more than 20 years, but they used to be very expensive. The batteries have gotten cheaper, the motors have gotten lighter, and the electronics have gotten better, but until now, I never thought they were stylish. His bicycle changed my mind. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)