2012年1月30日「モバイル英語学習]第138号(エッセイ): Active students

nationalities: 国籍、民族;
reaction: 反応;
I have a dream. I want all students in Japan to be more social and to bond more with one another. So in order to realize this dream, a senior student and I went to Tottori. In Koyama, Tottori, we met up with students from Tottori University. They belong to ‘Gakusei-jinzai-bank’ a Non-Profit Organization (NPO) which is active in the Tottori area. We discussed how students can become closer to one another and decided to build a new group which as yet remains unnamed.
The group’s mission is to improve the chances for students from abroad to meet other nationalities. In the not so far future I will approach students of Shimane University to see their reaction. Are you interested in this movement? 
(Written by student Mr. Y, edited by Prof. Simon Smith)