2010年5月19日「モバイル英語学習」第26号: Audio Books

mobile phone 携帯電話;
shun ~ を避ける;
microchip マイクロチップ(電子工学での集積回路);
back injury 背部損傷(20冊も本を持つと背中を痛める事を言っている);
In this age of technology where it is possible to have TV programmes, videos, news, etc., downloaded onto your mobile phone, I have found myself shunning this for something much simpler – the audio book. An audio book is in some ways old-fashioned; after all it is just someone reading a book to you down a microphone. But thanks to the microchip I can have 20 books on my IPod without it giving me back injury. That means that I also have room for my pack lunch and an old-fashioned book just in case my batteries run out! Besides, sometimes I just need a good old read. (by Prof. Simon Smith)