2011年11月2日「モバイル英語学習]第113号(エッセイ): Brains and Computers

Notes :
stress …を強調する,力説する;
overload (情報などの)過多,過大;
strategy 方策,戦略;
The latest research into the Internet suggests it is changing the way that our memory works. Researchers from Colombia University said that when test participants knew the answers would be available on a computer, they did less well on memory tests. According to the research the Internet has caused us to change the way that we remember things. Most importantly, we seem to remember where the information is stored, not the information itself. In other words we are becoming skilled at organizing huge amounts of data, and the Internet has become similar to our very own external hard drive. However, they stress that this does not mean that we are becoming stupid, but rather that it is a strategy to keep up with the information overload. (by Prof. Simon Smith)