2010度11月24日「モバイル英語学習」第67号(エッセイ): Carnivorous Plants

carnivorous plant 食虫植物;
nutrition 栄養;
Venus flytrap ハエトリグサ;
pitcher plant 袋葉植物;
bladderworts [植物]タヌキモ;
sip 一口飲むこと;
prey 獲物;
larva (pl. larvae) 幼虫;
Did you know that some plants eat meat? These carnivorous plants usually grow in places where they cannot get enough nutrition from the soil. The plants look beautiful, but they can be deadly. The Venus flytrap, for example, closes on its prey, such as insects. Asian pitcher plants are sometimes large enough to hold 7.5 liters of liquid that attracts insects, but one sip, and they slide into the plant, never to be seen again. Bladderworts, a third kind of plant, are the fastest-known killers in the plant kingdom. They can suck up a mosquito larvae in 1/50 of a second. (by Prof. Carmella Lieske)