2022年5月22日「モバイル英語学習」第739号 (英語エッセイ): Life is everywhere

breed 産む、かえす、養育する;
tidal flat 干潟;
clam (食用)二枚貝;
hermit crab ヤドカリ;
flounder もがく;

We are in the middle of a great season. Life is everywhere in spring. Flowers are blooming all over Nagoya, and butterflies are flying around above them. At Fujimae Tidal Flat in the Nagoya Port area, thousands of birds stop by as they move from south to north for the summer. Other birds stay longer and breed in the area. Last weekend, I went out on the tidal flat with two groups. We watched the birds come to the tidal flat to eat, and then we explored the tidal flat ourselves. We found many living creatures there: freshwater clams, crabs, and hermit crabs. Then, we caught baby stone flounder and an eel in the shallow waters. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)

2022年4月20日「モバイル英語学習」第736号 (英語エッセイ): Wild Animals Everywhere

weasel イタチ;
raccoon dog タヌキ;
boar イノシシ;
squirrel リス;
skunk スカンク;
rabies 狂犬病;

In Japan, it seems like there are more and more wild animals living together with people. I have seen weasels and raccoon dogs in Nagoya, and I have seen news about deer, monkeys, wild boars, and bears in the countryside. It’s the same in the U.S. In Portsmouth, N.H., where my sister lives, there are squirrels, raccoons, turkeys, and skunks. A fox in Washington, D.C. has been in the news recently. Everyone was excited to see it until it bit nine people and had to be killed. It had a dangerous disease called rabies. Luckily, there is medical treatment for rabies, so the people who were bitten are safe. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)