2010年12月24日「モバイル英語学習」第78号(エッセイ): Christmas Dinner

roast turkey:焼いた七面鳥;
mashed potatoes: マッシュポテト;
brussel sprouts: 芽キャベツ;
cranberry sauce: クランベリーソース;
lashings: たくさん;
gravy: 肉汁,グレービー 《焼いている肉からしたたる汁》;
In the UK, Christmas means lots of presents and lots of food for everyone – young and old alike. Christmas Dinner is the main Christmas meal and is traditionally eaten at mid-day or early afternoon on Christmas Day. A traditional meal consists of roast turkey, brussel sprouts, roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, stuffing and lashings of hot gravy. (by Prof. Simon Smith)