2023年2月5日「モバイル英語学習」第770号 ( 英語エッセイ ): Do you have stress?

overwhelme (精神的に)圧倒する;
anxiety 心配;
snap (…を)パチンと鳴らす、パンと撃つ;

University can be a mixture of fun and stress. You might feel overwhelmed with taking exams, finishing coursework on time, living with people you don’t get along with, and thinking about your future. Moving away from home for college can also bring on stress, such as living in a new place, meeting new people, and managing your finances. Stress is a normal feeling that helps us handle tough situations. A little stress can be helpful, especially during exams, as it makes us work harder. But if you have too much stress, it can cause mental health issues like depression and anxiety and affect your schoolwork.

If you feel irritable, anxious, worried all the time, have trouble sleeping, concentration problems, biting your nails, snapping at people, or having trouble breathing, you may be experiencing stress.