2011年7月7日「モバイル英語学習」第103号(エッセイ): Eating Vegetables

Notes :
green(s) 野菜,青物;
deadly 命にかかわる,致命的な;
gut 消化器官《主に腸,胃》;
E. coli 大腸菌,process〈食品〉を加工処理する;
dairy 乳製品の;
germ 細菌,ばい菌;
All children are told by their parents to “eat your greens!” But an outbreak in Europe of a deadly type of bacteria may change this. Although bacteria is in the gut of humans and other animals, some types are deadly such as E. coli. E coli is usually found in processed meats such as hamburgers or in dairy products such as cheese, milk, butter and ice cream. But now it has been found in vegetables and has killed 22 people in Germany. People in Germany are advised to avoid eating raw tomatoes, cucumbers and leafy salads until further notice. Just washing vegetables may not be enough to remove the bacteria. Perhaps the most effective way of killing the germs is to boil the food! (by Prof. Simon Smith)