2022年3月7日「モバイル英語学習」第732号 (英語エッセイ): Friendly Rivals

paralympic パラリンピック;
rival 競争相手、ライバル;

The 2022 Winter Paralympics have begun, and there have already been some great performances. In the first three days, Muraoka Momoka has won two medals in sit skiing. She is one of Japan’s greatest paralympic athletes. At the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang four years ago, she won five medals. Will she be able to do it again this time? She has a rival, Anna-Lena Foster of Germany. They have skied together in the Winter Paralympics since Sochi. This time, Foster won the silver medal in both events, but there was less than one second between their times. Who will get the next gold? (by Prof.Douglas Jarrell)