2011年7月29日「モバイル英語学習」第110号(エッセイ): Harry Potter Fever

hit 〈ニュース・記事などが〉~に出る,発表される;
camp out 屋外で寝る;
involve ~に関わる;
represent ~を表す,象徴する;
era 時代,時期;
mark ~を記念する,祝う;

In June 2011, the last of the Harry Potter movies hit the movie screens. Thousands of fans travelled miles to see the premiere. One fan even flew from her home in Mexico and camped out in London so she could see the final instalment of the film. She also wanted to see the film’s stars Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson. Many young people have been involved with the Harry Potter story throughout their childhood, and this represents the end of an era for them. To mark the occasion, the famous Imax cinema in London screened all the Harry Potter films over two nights. It lasted over 20 hours and involved the fans dressing up in costumes.
(The final film is called The Deathly Hallows-Part 2 ) (by Prof. Simon Smith)