2009年12月11日「モバイル英語学習」第9号(エッセイ): How Much Is Too Much?

organic vegetables 有機野菜(農薬を使わないで育てた野菜)
preservatives 防腐剤
Do you like dogs and cats? Do you have a pet? Some people treat their pet like it is a member of the family. For example, they buy birthday cakes made with strawberries, blueberries, eggs and sour cream. Each cake, which costs 2000 yen, includes a message from the owner. Some owners even take their pets to a special, expensive restaurant. The pets eat a dinner that includes organic vegetables, grilled hamburgers, and apple pie with fresh cream. It sounds delicious, even for us. But, the food doesn’t have salt, sugar, or preservatives, so we probably wouldn’t like it. Some owners think cakes and special dinners are reasonable if they make their pets happy. But don’t you wonder: can dogs read? Do they understand what a birthday is? Do they appreciate the expense of organic vegetables? (by Prof. Carmella Lieske)