2010年12月9日「モバイル英語学習」第73号(エッセイ):Indian Basketball Star

make the cut < 米俗>登録選手枠に残る;
I bet きっと~だと思う(=I am sure);
You can’t just be tall to be an NBA star. There have been more than a few very tall players who didn’t make the cut. Talent is important. So what’s all the excitement about Satnam Singh Bhamara? Well, India isn’t known for its basketball players, so that makes people excited. But it’s not just that. The 14-year-old is 7 feet tall. According to the director of a basketball academy, he has already developed some very good skills. He has a lot of potential, but he also has to keep working. By the way, he wears a size-22 basketball shoe. I bet he can’t find shoes in Japan! (by Prof. Carmella Lieske)