2012年6月15日「モバイル英語学習」第160号(エッセイ ): Internet Use Falling in the US

broadband connectionブロードバンド接続;
it seems that ~であるようだ;
Everyone uses the Internet, right? Well, not according to CNN news. They reported that one in five U.S adults don’t use it at all. The main reason given is that people are just not interested – not even in e-mail or Facebook. In America figures have shown that broadband connection has dropped from a peak in May 2010 which showed that 66% of U.S. adults had access, to recent figures where only 62% of U.S. adults have access at home. Not surprisingly those most without the Internet are mostly older people. So it seems that even something as powerful as the Internet has limits to what it can achieve.(by Prof. Simon Smith)