2017年1月5日「モバイル英語学習」第398号(英語のエッセイ ): New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolution 新年の誓い・抱負;
windsurfing ウインドサーフィン 《波乗り板にマストと帆をつけて行なう波乗り》;
Do you know what a New Year’s resolution is? It is a promise that you make to yourself at the New Year. This year, for example, I promised myself that I would do exercises every morning before breakfast. So far, so good; I have kept it up for five days, but I find it difficult to continue more than one week. Here are the readers’ resolutions. One junior high school teacher wants to improve his English and start windsurfing. Another teacher is going to read 20 minutes a day and practice writing an essay once a week in order to pass the first grade of the Eiken. Still another teacher will study to pass the pre-first Eiken test. One reader has a wife who is very careful with money, so he is going to use a special app to keep track of his spending. One reader is going to read Jaremaga five times a day. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)