efficient 能率的である,効率が良い;
return ticket (英)往復キップ(アメリカ英語では「round trip ticket」);
less hassle 問題が少ない;
There are many cultural differences between England and Japan, and as a foreigner living abroad I cannot but help make comparisons. Without a doubt Japanese trains and buses are much more efficient than England’s. There is, however, one big difference – the ability to buy a return ticket. Whilst it is possible to buy a return ticket on the Shinkansen, it is impossible for most other forms of transport. In the UK, for example, one can get a single ticket from my home town Orpington to London for £5 pounds or a return for £5.40! The benefits of a return ticket are obvious – it is both cheaper, and less hassle. This is good for the customer and encourages more people to travel on public transport. (by Prof. Simon Smith)