2015年12月2日「モバイル英語学習」第325号(エッセイ):Paying Doctors and Nurses

spectator 観客;
insufficient 不十分な,不足な;
Some sports stars earn more money than most doctors and nurses do. Do you think it is fair? Today, we can watch sports games on TV, and professional players give the spectators great excitement and pleasure. Even so, I think the big difference in earnings between professional athletes and people in the medical profession is unfair. In some serious cases, whether a patient lives or dies depends on medical professionals. Since doctors and nurses are in an occupation responsible for life and death, they are always under pressure from this great responsibility. Furthermore, their long working hours, often over 60 hours a week, make it hard for them to rest. However, the pay for medical professionals is insufficient for the quality and quantity of their work. This is because in many hospitals there are fewer doctors and nurses than there should be. Today the lack of medical professionals is one of the most serious social issues. If a doctor or a nurse leaves a hospital, the other medical professionals in the hospital have to cover for him or her. For these reasons I think medical professionals should be paid more than sports stars. (written by student Mr.A, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)