2015年 11月8 日「モバイル英語学習」第319 号(エッセイ ): Picky Eaters

picky えり好みする,気難しい;
pea エンドウ豆;
oyster カキ;

Are you a picky eater? In other words, are there many things that you won’t eat? My students often tell me that they dislike peas, green peppers, and celery. I went online and found a list of food that people in Britain dislike. I was surprised to see two Japanese foods on it. Although sushi is becoming very popular these days around the world, 37% of the people in the survey said that they didn’t like it with raw fish. Tofu was even less popular. 42% said that they didn’t like it. But can you guess what the food that most people disliked was? Oysters! (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)