2011年7月12日「モバイル英語学習」第105号(エッセイ): Rapture Day

Notes :
rapture 狂喜、歓喜;
donation: 寄付金;
emerge: 出て来る,現れる;
live with: ~を受け入れる,我慢する;
think out ~を考え抜く,慎重に検討する;
An American Preacher/Radio Presenter, Harold Camping, 89, predicted that Jesus Christ would return to earth on Saturday (May 21, 2011)and take believers to heaven (known as “The Rapture”). He believed that day would be the first day of the Day of Judgment– as written in the Bible. Donations to his radio station, Family Radio, totalled more than $12 million in 2000, and they spent over US$100 million on the Rapture Day information campaign. Some believers have payed up to $135 to have their pets picked up and cared for after the rapture.
On Sunday, May 22, Camping emerged briefly from his home, saying “Give me a day, no interviews today … I’ve got to live with it, I’ve got to think it out.” (by Prof. Simon Smith)