2021年1月21日「モバイル英語学習」第684号 (英語のエッセイ): Emotional Intelligence

psychologist  心理学者;
intelligence test 知能検査;
emotional intelligence 感情知性、こころの知能;
cope with うまく処理する、対抗する;
be motivated モチベーションが高い
Some psychologists think the secret to success is not having a high result on an intelligence test, or even having high marks in your previous classes. The secret is something called emotional intelligence. Students with high emotional intelligence do these things:
• They have goals.
• They are motivated to achieve these goals.
• They work hard.
• They know themselves.
• They cope with stress.
• They deal with problems as they arise.
• They form positive relationships with others.
So, what really matters is not how smart you are, but how smart your habits are. (by Tania Pattison)