2010年1月29日「モバイル英語学習」第22号(エッセイ): Skin Cancer in Australia

sunscreen 日焼け止め;
skin cancer 皮膚ガン;
slip サッと着る;
slogan 標語;

Australians love the sun and being outdoors, but due to their love of the outdoors Australians have one of the highest rates of skin cancer. In order to reduce the number of people getting skin cancer the government started a special campaign. When the campaign first started the slogan was “Slip, slop, slap”. This means slip on a t-shirt, slop on sunscreen and slap on a hat. In other words put on a t-shirt, put sunscreen on your skin, and put on a hat to protect your skin from the sun. At the majority of elementary schools, children must wear hats during lunch time and while playing sports. But in Australia you never see women protecting their skin with umbrellas and long gloves like many Japanese women do. Maybe we will in the future!
(by Prof. Wendy Tada)