2015年3月8日「モバイル英語学習」第286号(エッセイ): Sounds Americans Dislike

crack knuckles 指をポキポキ鳴らす;
fingernail 指のつめ;
sniffle 鼻をふんふんいわせる;
bubble gum 風船ガム;
Are there any everyday sounds that you really dislike? A U.S. newspaper asked its readers which sounds bothered them. Number 5 was the sound of people cracking their knuckles. In fourth place was the sound of people cutting their fingernails. Number 3 was when people who have a cold sniffle. In second place was the sound of people popping bubble gum. The most disliked sound was people noisily eating soup. As you can see, this list depends on your culture. In Japan, it is okay to sniffle and make noise while eating, especially noodles. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)