2017年12月19日「モバイル英語学習」第433号(英語のエッセイ): Space and High School Students

astronaut 宇宙飛行士;
paper spring 紙バネ;
wire top 針金ゴマ
On Sunday, Kanai Norishige became the 12th Japanese astronaut to go up into space. He went up in a Soyuz rocket from Kazakhstan. Two other astronauts joined him, Anton Shkaplerov of Russia and Scott Tingle of the U.S.A. They are all heading to the International Space Station and will get there sometime today. This time, Kanai will do two experiments that were designed by high school students. One is to see how a paper spring works in almost zero gravity. The other is to see how a wire top spins. I hope they will take a video and show us what happens later! (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)