2020年3月16日「モバイル英語学習」第650 号 (英語のエッセイ): Spring is Here

eaves [名]〔複数扱い〕(家の)軒;
reproduce 繁殖;

I saw my first swallow of the year last Friday. These birds spend the winter in warm southern countries and come to Japan in the spring to build nests and reproduce . You can see their nests on walls under the eaves of houses. They are small birds with blueish-black backs, reddish-brown throats , and white breasts. They are about 17 cm long, and they have rather long tails. They fly around most of the day catching and eating insects in the air. When they aren’t flying, you can see them resting on power lines along the streets. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)