2022年12月31日「モバイル英語学習」第765号 ( 英語エッセイ ): The Lost Colony (2)

stillness 静けさ、静寂;
gloom (心の)陰気、陰うつ;
hut (掘っ建て)小屋、あばら屋;
desert 廃棄する;
moan (苦痛・悲しみの)うめき(声);
trace 跡、足跡;

It was three years before his ship returned and he again drew near the island. Eagerly he looked up and down the shore for signs of a welcome from his people. But only the washing of the waves on the beach and the stillness and gloom of the dense forest greeted him. Not a person was to be found. His little granddaughter, her parents, and all the colonists had disappeared. The huts were deserted. Not a sound was to be heard but the cry of the birds and the moaning of the trees. On a tree were cut a few letters. Was it the name of some place to which the people had moved? Poor John White! He never found out. Heart-broken, he turned his ship back to England. Not a trace of this lost colony, not a trace of the little babe, Virginia Dare, has ever been found. (End)