2013年11月16日「モバイル英語学習」第211号(エッセイ ): The Weekend

labor pain 分娩(ぶんべん), 陣痛;
be relieved ほっとした;
delivery 分娩(ぶんべん), 出産;
miracle 奇跡;
Last night I got an e-mail from my sister. She said, “My labor pains have started. Come back to Okinawa ASAP!!” This morning, on my way to Okinawa, my sister called me up and said, “Sorry, but the baby has already been born!” I was relieved and learned that a safe delivery is like a miracle. Finally, I met the two-hour-old baby. Our family is filled with great joy. Although I couldn’t attend the birthing, I’m so happy now because I have a new family member. There are now 17 people in my family! Can you believe it? We’re such a big family!! Ha ha ha… (written by student Miss Miyali, Medical School, Shimane University; edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)