2020年1月6日「モバイル英語学習」第643(英語のエッセイ): The Year of the Rat

zodiac 黄道帯;
cautious 用心深い,慎重な;
ox 雄牛

According to the Chinese zodiac, there are 12 years in a cycle. Each year has an animal symbol. The symbol for this year is the rat. In most western countries, rats have a bad image, but a rat in the Chinese zodiac is good. They say that a person born in the year of the rat is smart, cautious, and cheerful. These people make good partners with people who are born in the year of the ox, the dragon, or the monkey. My daughter was born in the year of the rat, and her husband was born in the year of the ox. No wonder they make a good couple! (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)