2015年8月31日「モバイル英語学習」第 310号(エッセイ): What is True Beauty?

What do you think the word “beauty” means?” Does it mean to look beautiful by wearing great cosmetics and luxurious clothes? Does it mean to look younger than your age? I think such things do not mean true beauty. I think that true beauty comes from confidence. Those who love themselves have confidence, and such people seem brilliant and behave in a grand manner. They do not need makeup or luxurious clothes.
We experience many things in life, and we get many ideas from our experiences. Reading various books, visiting different places, or talking with other people will give you interesting experiences, and these experiences will lead to confidence in yourself.
Don’t buy expensive cosmetics if you want to become beautiful. Have confidence in yourself. To attain true beauty, love yourself!   (by student Miss Y, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)