2017年6月7日「モバイル英語学習」第412号(英語のエッセイ):You Know It’s Summer When

juicy 水分の多い;
parasol (婦人用)日傘、パラソル;
mosquito 蚊;
You know it’s summer when you eat your first delicious watermelon. I had a piece of watermelon from Kumamoto last night. It was sweet and juicy, just like a watermelon should be. You know it’s summer when people start wearing short sleeves. You know it’s summer when women start carrying parasols. You know it’s summer when you see advertisements for beer gardens. You know it’s summer when you get bitten by a mosquito. You know it’s summer when the light comes into your bedroom at 5:00 and wakes you up. That’s why I sleep with my curtains closed these days. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)