2013年11月9日「モバイル英語学習」第210号(エッセイ ):Beards and Moustaches

Beard: あごひげ;
Moustache: 口ひげ;
competition: 競技(会),コンテスト;
The World Beard and Moustache competition has just been held in a small town in Germany. Men with the longest, biggest and most unique facial hair compete for prizes. Not surprisingly, most of the competitors are from Europe or North America. Asians and Africans usually don’t have much facial hair. This year the team from America, called Beard Team U.S.A., did very well. They got 6 first-place wins. You can google the name of the competition to see the many different beards and moustaches. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)
▽See different moustaches and beards on Google: