2015年12月2日「モバイル英語学習」第329号(エッセイ): On a Train

bother 悩ます、うるさがらせる;
Braille (ブライユ)点字(法);

I met a young blind woman on a train a couple of weeks ago. I watched her using a machine to read with her fingers. We both had to change trains, so I took her hand and helped her to the next platform. She told me that she was going from Yokohama to Kyoto by regular train. That takes more than eight hours, but it didn’t seem to bother her. She likes to read on the train. I found out that Japanese Braille (the kind of writing that blind people use to read) only uses “kana.” It must be difficult to read because Japanese has many words with the same pronunciation. ( by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)