2018年10月30日「モバイル英語学習」第572号(英語のエッセイ): A Bridge in China

yawn あくびをする;
Silicon Valley シリコンバレー 《米国 California 州 San Francisco 郊外の高度なエレクトロニクス産業が集中している地域の通称》;
The world’s longest sea bridge is going to open today in southeast China. The bridge is 55 kilometers long and will link Hong Kong with mainland China. One problem is that people in Hong Kong drive on the left and people on the mainland drive on the right. The bridge is part of the mainland, so people will have to drive on the right as soon as they get on the bridge. It is also a “smart” bridge. There are cameras along the bridge that watch drivers. If a driver yawns a lot, an alert goes off. China built the bridge to link several cities and make a high-tech area as famous as Silicon Valley. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)