2018年10月26日「モバイル英語学習」第571号(英語のエッセイ): Mixed feelings

invade (…に)押し寄せる、侵害する、侵す;
concentrate on ~に集中する
My husband retired in July. He had worked hard for over 40 years. At the same time, I had tried to keep our family peaceful and comfortable. My husband and I like traveling, so we are looking forward to visiting many countries together. I am very grateful to him. However, I am used to being alone at home and enjoying my own free time. After his retirement, I have started to feel like he is invading my privacy. I can’t concentrate on my hobby. I think we need to sit down and talk about how to respect each other’s time. I hope we will be able to come to an agreement soon. (written by a reader, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)