2015年7月3日「モバイル英語学習」第 302号(エッセイ ): Butterfly in the House

swallowtail butterfly アゲハチョウ;
hydrangea アジサイ;
contrast 対照(する[させる]こと), 対比;
skyward 空の方へ,上へ;
pupa 【昆虫】 さなぎ;
When I went to the front door to pick up the newspaper, I saw a swallowtail butterfly on a white hydrangea on the cupboard. The contrast was so beautiful that I wanted to ask the butterfly, “Why are you here?” I walked up to it. The swallowtail came down to my feet and beat its wings. When I tried to touch it, the swallowtail landed on my chest. I went outside, and the swallowtail took off skyward. I looked at the hydrangea again and saw a pupa. The butterfly was born there! This made me very happy. (written by a reader, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)