2015年6月28日「モバイル英語学習」第 301号(エッセイ ): Mosquitoes

mosquitoes カ(蚊);
mosquito coil 蚊取線香;

When I come back home after work, the first thing that I smell is the mosquito coil. My wife uses it a lot. She burns it to keep those little flying insects away. When the weather gets very warm, mosquitoes are everywhere. Female mosquitoes need blood, so they bite. My wife gets bitten a lot, but I don’t get bitten so much. There are several reasons why mosquitoes like some people better than others. They seem to prefer people with type O blood, like my wife. Also, they seem to like people who exercise or drink beer. I’m a beer drinker, but I guess that blood type is more important. (by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)