2016年 2月 18日「モバイル英語学習」第 361 号( エッセイ ): Guys Search for Tacos

security camera 監視カメラ;
subtitle 字幕;
homeboy 地元の仲間;
frantically 必死に;

In Las Vegas, U.S.A., three robbers broke a door and went into a tacos restaurant. They appeared on several security cameras in the shop. After getting the film, the owner made it into a commercial (CM) with some funny subtitles such as “Guy wants a tacos,” “So does his homeboy,” and “Guys frantically search for tacos.” At the end of the video, the owner added the name of his shop and a picture of delicious-looking tacos. Many people saw the video on YouTube and visited the shop. Because of the new customers, the damage to his restaurant didn’t bother the owner so much.  (written by a reader, edited by Prof. Douglas Jarrell)